

easy way to make any element toggle its display with just an attribute on both the trigger and the triggered

  • easy to customize via JS but not needed
  • good defaults

🧪 Experiment

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in its simplest form

At its simplest popover needs:

This is the simplest popover

<button popovertarget='my-popover-target'>Open Popover</button>

<div id='my-popover-target' popover>
  <p>This is the simplest popover</p>

Deeper test still no JS: add specific actions

You can add a close button inside the popover just using HTML, no JS, using the `popovertargetaction` and the `hide` value. For it to work you also need to add a popovertarget attribute. We're slowly getting the idea behind, the common mechanisms.
You could also add this button outside the popover BUT it would be useless since anyway clicking outside the popover closes it.

This is the simplest popover

<button popovertarget="my-popover-test-2" popovertargetaction="hide">
      <span aria-hidden="true">💣</span>
      <span class="sr-only">Close</span>

Weird edge cases

Sibling popovers opened at the same time
What happens if I am trying to open a popover while another one is opened? It closes the previous one and open the new one.

This is the first popover opened, now open the second one

The first popover closed when trying to open this one

Nested popovers

This is the first popover opened, now open the second one inside here

The first popover remains opened while this one got opened too

🛠️ Disable auto mode and switch to manual

By default the "popover" attribute in the popover element implicitly means value is "auto". You can change this by explicitly adding `popover="manual"` The changes are:Why using it then? Basically, for example when using it for a toast component.

Toast 1

🎨 Styling

Specific styling possibilities: `::backdrop`

This is a styled popover

#my-popover-target-5::backdrop {
  background-color: color-mix(in oklab, aquamarine, transparent 20%);
  backdrop-filter: blur(2px);

  &:popover-open {
      @starting-style {
        opacity: 0;
        color: green;
        filter: blur(0);
        transform: translateY(20px) scale(0.9);

      opacity: 1;
      color: red;
      filter: blur(0);
      transform: translateY(0) scale(1);

  transition: transform 0.5s, opacity 0.5s, display 0.5s, color 0.5s;

Using JS: show / hide / toggle

I'm the popover
  .addEventListener("click", () =>

  .addEventListener("click", () =>

  .addEventListener("click", () =>

Differences with existing solutions

We can easily imagine its benefits for features such as mobile nav modal, toasts, ... But why using them over other existing solutions? One reason is: the popover can be ANY element, when the dialog is a special tag. This is already a big advantage over the dialog element when in use in a Design Systsem for example. Think about the Topbar. You can have an element with the menu links as a normal div. And when you click on the hamburger menu it transofrms it into a full blown full-screen nav modal. For toast it makes lot of sense too, although we would then need to add JS for the timer, so the beenfits are limited.

Key differences with the dialog element

Possible use cases

Benefits of Popover

Drawbacks/footgun of Popover

🤔 Opinion

📚 Resources

💻 Support

Data on support for the mdn-api_htmlelement_popover feature across the major browsers from caniuse.com